Vextro Reading List Vol. 7




and inspired community and respect instead of entitlement and egoism. if only, right!? I’m just venting, yeah.

I love the games and I love what the culture could be. I think it’s self-explanatory, self-justifying. just gotta hope others will see it too.

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Vextro Reading List Vol. 6

Divest from corps. Decenter them at least. Imagine any other art scene where everyone talked about profit forecasting and publishers. That’s videogames. Like no matter where you fall in the discourse, that’s how you signal you’re with it. It’s so stifling and boring. A desire to replace monolithic, slow-on-the-uptake, obscured corporations, with the transparency and intimacy of individuals and artists is not elitism, it’s survival!

god, the new season of twin peaks is so good. that’s where my head is at
apologies for the lull in pace recently it’s hard to maintain 100%
but it’s going, one game at a time

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Vextro Reading List Vol. 3

Vextro is uh, there’s uh, patreon. I’m tired but hey I guess let’s also be tireless. Conflict, conflict, conflict, I see dark skies and dead horizons. Let art unite and recharge us at the very least. Support your friends, give grace to your rivals, and no mercy (no patience, no credibility) to those that’ll bring harm. I’m not a fan of optimism, I fill my dark pits with action and recourse. Whatever works though. Stay alive friends and readers. I’ll keep supporting the small, ignored, and downtrodden, in a medium notorious for those states.

Games still listed in order of how long they take to finish. I’ll say support underground games, but I’ll add: make some games! There is nothing holding you back from fighting entropy. Everyone can make games.

continue to volume 4

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Vextro Reading List Vol. 2

Vextro is made possible with contributions to is patreon. Okay that’s not really true as of this post but it needs be. I digress, we all made it another month! Well, a month and then some. A lot is on the line here but also not much at all. That’s a weird feeling of displacement, stress in service of a void. In pride, at least, everything this site has set out to accomplish is being accomplished. I don’t really know what’s going to happen, but hell, support underground games. The meme to stand by: support underground games. Listed in order of how long each takes to finish.

continue to volume 3

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Vextro Reading List Vol. 1

This is nothing more than an aggregation of whatever Vextro covered in the time span between podcast episodes. Which isn’t actually on a tight schedule either. So these anthologies will just come out when they come out. I’m just thinking of these as a quick reference, an alternative to engaging with every single thing we put out, putting more of a focus on the games. Our interest is in varied expression and hopefully in the process foster a better sense of “videogame literacy” or whatever that means. Listed in order of how long one takes to finish.

continue to volume 2

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